Growing in Faith

To be a Christian is to have faith in Jesus Christ and seek to follow him. From the earliest days of Christianity, Christians have met together to worship God and to encourage one another in our faith. Our services [link to services page] include sung worship, prayer, Bible readings, as well as celebrating the Eucharist (also known as Holy Communion, or the Lord’s Supper) [link to The Eucharist bookmark on this page] when in receiving bread and wine we remember Christ’s death and all that he has accomplished for his worldwide church.

Our faith in Christ affects how we live our lives during the week, which can look different for each one of us, but together we support one another in our discipleship.

We recognise that following Jesus includes:

  • learning about God through prayer, worship and studying the Bible

  • offering our talents, time and resources to the church and it’s ministry

  • living as part of the community of God’s people, accepting each other and seeking to grow ever more into the likeness of Christ.

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